= Spacemacs // See https://hubpress.gitbooks.io/hubpress-knowledgebase/content/ for information about the parameters. :published_at: 2018-05-16 :hp-tags: spacemacs, tips, shortcuts :hp-image: /images/spacemacs.png

#+TITLE: This is spacemacs title

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

= Org == categories

#+BEGIN_SRC c++ void process_stuff(my_super_class* ptr) int a = 2; #+END_SRC

#+BEGIN_SRC python def example(a, b): “”” in a src block use ctrlc ‘ (ctrlc + single quote) to edit the code block in editor use ctrlc ctrlc to evaluate it and made appear the results (but doesn’t work for now) “”” print (“will process {} + {}”.format(a, b)) return (a,b) example(2, 18) #+END_SRC

== Commands | command | action | |—————-+————————————————–| | shift tab | changes fold | | ctrlc and wait | all the commands with description will displayed | | ctrlc ctrle | export file | | ctrlc ctrlc | compute part | | ctrlc ctrlt | cycle through TODO states | | ctrlc ctrld | add a deadline to a TODO element | | ctrlc ctrls | append a datetime |

== SPC commands spc mee - export in different kind of files

== Todo & cie *** TODO todo example DEADLINE: <2018-04-20 Fri> at the end of the title line (after example here) hit shift alt enter to go to the next line with another todo use ctrlc ctrld to add a deadline do a todo element

1. under task one.
2. [ ] under task two.
3. [ ] 

*** DONE clycle through states CLOSED: [2018-05-15 Tue 13:16] use ctrlc ctrlt tou cylcle through states

*** use list [1/2] use ctrlc ctrlc on one line to set or unset the state - [ ] task one - [X] task two

*** use other list [50%] - [ ] item one - [X] item two

** Schedules SCHEDULED: <2018-05-15 Tue> use ctrlc ctrls to append a datetime move cursor on the datetime and use shift left / right to change the value

** commands (spc spc my_super_command) org-md-export-to-markdown - export to a text file with markdown syntax (my_file.md)

** LaTex integration

  • Characters: \alpha \rightarrow \beta
  • $O(n \log n)$

\begin{align} 3 * 2 + 1 &= 6 + 1
&= 7 \end{align

  • Spc commands ** Spacemacs config spc fed - edit spacemacs dotfile spc feR - reload spacemacs config

** toogle spc tn - toogle line number

** UI toogles spc TF - toogle fullscreen mode

** file spc ft - toogle neotree spc ff - open file

** project Create en empty file named .projectile in your project root directory

spc pp - switch project spc pf - find a file in your project spc / - find text in project

** buffer spc tab - last buffer spc bn - next buffer spc bb - show the list of current buffers spc bd - delete buffer

** window spc wS - split windows vertical spc nb of window - switch to spc wc - close a window

** git spc gs - git statu

** shell spc ‘ - toogle the little shell

** others spc h[x] - help on [x] spc zX - increase decrease font size

** : commands :shell - start a shell in a buffer

  • Packages

    spc spc package-install to install a package

    En tete a mettre en haut d’un fichier org pour les marges etc [org] —- #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{palatino} —-