= Cmd tips

// :hp-image: /covers/cover.png :hp-tags: bash, commands, tips, unix // :hp-tags: HubPress, Blog, Open_Source, // :hp-alt-title: My English Title

=== Sizes

know the size of a folder [source, shell] —- du -sh my_lib/movies # h for human and s for the folder only —-

know the disk usage [source, shell] —- df -h —-

=== Arborescence

Display arborescence on 2 row [source, shell] —- tree . -L 2 —-

=== Text play

Substring text

[source, shell]

path=”/tyt/tit/tat” lawl=${path##*/} —-

=== Remove files except

works on bash only :

[source, shell]

$ shopt -s extglob $ ls asd d erg gf jwpw poc t ta.py toto.py tu w wefgj $ rm !(*.py) $ ls ta.py toto.py —-

=== Docker

move docker (var/lib) : https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-move-docker-s-default-var-lib-docker-to-another-directory-on-ubuntu-debian-linux



ssh tunnel plex : https://plaza.quickbox.io/t/setting-up-an-ssh-tunnel-for-plex/135